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Proposed Algorithm: FastPole
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Whole Logic Structure
C: candidates of multipoles, c∈C
Σ:correlation matrix of fMRI data
σ*: threshold value of linear dependence
δ*: threshold value of linear gain
M: array built to store multipoles
S_max: largest subsets of c
Check Maximal Clqiues
Step 1:
Calculate dependence of candidates, σ_c
Step 2:
Calculate dependence of each subset(length=|S|-1)
Store the dependences in a tuple array, S_max
Sort S_max by dependence values in a descending order
Step 3:
Use σ_c and S_max to compute the gain of the candidate
•Push multipoles into M
Check Sub Clique
Step 1:
Compute the upperbound of multipole size, l_max
If l_max=|c|-1
Push subsets (dependence>=sigma) in S_max to S'_max
Step 2:
Compute the dependence of subsets (length=|S'_max[1]|-1) and store them in a tuple array, S_min
Push subsets (dependence>=sigma) in S_min to S'_min
Step 3:
Use S_max and S'_max to compute the gain of each element in S_max
Once find multipoles, push multipoles, end; Otherwise, Sup=sub, return to Step 2
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